


  • Full Name

    Madre, Babe, Hun, Julie, Jewls


  • Matches: 2017
  • Club Name: Battling Mermaids
  • Previous Club: Rockin’ City
Battling Mermaids 2017 Matches Played


The daily hustle and bustle of being a working mom of 4 boys creates the greatest joys and the highest stress you can imagine. I began playing derby in August 2017, mostly because I loved to skate, but I quickly learned it was great exercise so I hung around. In November, 2017, 3 months after joining, I climbed the ranks to become a Battling Mermaid, NTRD's B Team. It was only then that I realized this glorious team I found, the team that gives me all the hardcore workouts any gym can offer, the team that allows me to skate, is also the greatest stress reliever any working mom needs! I never thought hitting people felt so great!

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